Local woman goes missing in Maungdaw Twsp

The woman has been identified as 25-year-old Ma Yu Yu Khaing, who went missing while returning home from farmlands at about 9 a.m. on August 18, family members said.

By Admin 21 Aug 2023

Shwebaho Village, in Maungdaw Township, is pictured from above via Google Maps.
Shwebaho Village, in Maungdaw Township, is pictured from above via Google Maps.

DMG Newsroom
21 August 2023, Maungdaw

Family members say a woman from Shwebaho Village, part of Arakan State’s Maungdaw Township, has been missing for about three days, with no indication as to her whereabouts or wellbeing.

The woman has been identified as 25-year-old Ma Yu Yu Khaing, who went missing while returning home from farmlands at about 9 a.m. on August 18, family members said.

“We went to our farmland to cultivate paddy early in the morning on August 18. I told her to return home in advance in order to cook rice. When I arrived back home, she was not there and she has been missing since then,” Ko Ye Tha Chay, the husband of Ma Yu Yu Khaing, told DMG.

Ma Yu Yu Khaing went missing on her way from the family farm to her home about an hour away by foot. Local villagers have been searching for her in groups, but thus far without success.

“She went missing three days ago. I am worried about her safety,” said U Tun Maung, the younger brother of Ma Yu Yu Khaing. “We have been searching for her for three days, but she hasn’t been found. We are now searching for her near Kyaukpandu Village.”

Ma Yu Yu Khaing is the mother of a 10-month-old infant.

Family members say they opened a case at the Border Guard Force outpost in Shwebaho Village regarding Ma Yu Yu Khaing’s disappearance. Shwebaho Village is located in the foothills of the Mayu mountain range in the southern part of Maungdaw Township.