Over 900 civilian casualties reported in Arakan State in six months

Among the victims are 182 Arakanese, 78 Muslims, three Mro, two Khami, one Maramargyi and two Burmese, the Humanitarian and Development Coordination Office said.

By Admin 28 May 2024

The regime’s airstrike on Ahtet Laynyintaung Village in Mrauk-U Township killed five civilians and wounded 12 others on March 21, 2024.
The regime’s airstrike on Ahtet Laynyintaung Village in Mrauk-U Township killed five civilians and wounded 12 others on March 21, 2024.

DMG Newsroom
28 May 2024, Sittwe

Junta shellings and airstrikes have killed 268 civilians and injured 640 others in Arakan and Chin states in the six months from November 13 to May 13, the Humanitarian and Development Coordination Office of the United League of Arakan/Arakkha Army (ULA/AA) said in a statement on May 28.

Civilian casualties were reported due to the regime’s airstrikes, artillery attacks and landmine blasts, according to the statement.

By township, the deceased are 56 from Minbya, 42 from Mrauk-U, 37 from Buthidaung, 25 from Kyauktaw, 20 each from Sittwe and Paletwa, 17 from Pauktaw, 16 from Maungdaw, 10 from Myebon, six each from Ann and Ramree, five from Kyaukphyu, three from Rathedaung, four from Ponnagyun and one from Taungup.

Among the victims are 182 Arakanese, 78 Muslims, three Mro, two Khami, one Maramargyi and two Burmese, the Humanitarian and Development Coordination Office said.

A human rights activist said he wants the international community to take effective action against the regime’s war crimes as it targets hospitals, residential buildings and civilians in Arakan State.

The most injured were reported in Minbya, where 172 were wounded. Also among the injured are 76 from Kyauktaw, 72 from Mrauk-U, 46 from Pauktaw, 32 from Myebon, 30 from Paletwa, 26 each from Ponnagyun and Maungdaw, 24 each from Ann and Kyaukphyu, 21 from Sittwe, 17 from Rathedaung, 13 from Ramree, five from Thandwe and one from Taungup, the statement said.

“Civilian casualties continue to rise due to airstrikes, shellings and landmines in towns and villages that the regime has lost to the AA and are still under attack. The regime’s frequent airstrikes on AA-controlled towns are a direct threat to the people’s safety,” said a resident of Kyauktaw.

Fighting has been raging in Arakan State for more than six months, with the AA seizing large swaths of territory and effective control of nine townships, as well as Paletwa Township in neighbouring Chin State.