Regime arrests Gwa man on suspicion of AA ties

A local man from Bogale Village in Kyeintalin Sub-township of Gwa Township, Arakan State, was reportedly taken by members of the military intelligence and police on Monday.

By Admin 14 May 2024

Regime arrests Gwa man on suspicion of AA ties

DMG Newsroom
14 May 2024, Gwa

A local man from Bogale Village in Kyeintalin Sub-township of Gwa Township, Arakan State, was reportedly taken by members of the military intelligence and police on Monday.

U Tin Soe aka Ko Nge, 50, was abducted from the home of a village administrator on the night of May 13, according to a reliable source.

“The village administrator summoned U Tin Soe to his home. U Tin Soe was taken by police and members of the military intelligence from the village administrator’s home by car. U Tin Soe was arrested on suspicion of having ties to the Arakkha Army,” the source added.

DMG attempted to contact the village administrator and the family of the arrestee, but to no avail.

U Tin Soe is said to be currently detained at the Kyeintali police station and he is not being allowed to meet family members.

“He [U Tin Soe] was transferred to the Gwa police station from Kyeintali police station,” said a local resident.

U Tin Soe used to cooperate with the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), but he has not cooperated with the ALP for about two years, according to locals.

The ALP found new recruits in the Kyeintali area of southern Arakan State’s Gwa Township in the first week of May, according to residents.

Gwa Township remains under the control of the regime, which has made some arrests of civilians, and the Arakkha Army (AA) has not launched attacks on junta positions there.