Families concerned about fate of Muslim conscripts
Family members have expressed concerns about the wellbeing of Muslims conscripted by Myanmar’s military regime in Arakan State as they cannot contact them.
17 May 2024

DMG Newsroom
17 May 2024, Sittwe
Family members have expressed concerns about the wellbeing of Muslims conscripted by Myanmar’s military regime in Arakan State as they cannot contact them.
In April, 500 young Muslim men were taken from such Muslim villages as Bumay, Thaechaung, Barsar, Darpaing and Thakkapyin in Sittwe Township for military training. Family members have lost contact with some of them.
A Muslim woman from Darpaing Village said: “I can’t contact him since. I want to make a direct phone call to him. I want to know if he and his friends are doing well. I am worried for their safety.”
Family members want to know their loved ones’ current whereabouts after they underwent two weeks of military training at the Regional Operations Command in Sittwe.
The regime has conscripted many Muslims in Arakan State following its enforcement of mandatory military service for the country’s young population in February.
The regime trained 1,000 Muslims from Sittwe Township in February and March and sent them to the front line to fight the Arakkha Army (AA). Some have died in clashes.
“We cannot not make direct phone calls. We can only talk to his superior to ask after him. So, we are concerned for his safety,” said a relative of a Muslim conscript from Bumay Village.
Some Muslim conscripts were assigned to guard junta naval bases, police stations, checkpoints and battalions.
One young Muslim man said: “Muslim conscripts were assigned to serve as guards in Sittwe. They were not provided with [modern] weapons. They are only given swords and batons. The regime intends to use them as human shields where necessary.”
Muslim conscripts have also been sent to battlefields in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships.
A Maungdaw resident said: “Family members have lost contact with some since they were taken for military training. As fighting is fierce, family members are worried about their fate.”
Both Arakanese and Muslim communities have called for caution as the regime is attempting to incite racial conflicts after losing significant ground in the fighting in Arakan State.