Drug smuggling on the rise in Arakan State
While locals may insist that there is no drug production in Arakan State, at present the local trade of drugs is gradually increasing.
19 Oct 2023

DMG Newsroom
19 October 2023, Sittwe
While locals may insist that there is no drug production in Arakan State, at present the local trade of drugs is gradually increasing.
In the past, the sale and use of illegal drugs was low in rural areas, but now WY-branded stimulant pills are reportedly easily available in Arakan State.
Drugs are also easily trafficked not only in urban areas in Arakan State, but also areas controlled by the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA). Residents are calling for effective action against drug smugglers.
“Recently, drug use has spread to rural areas. Previously, ULA/AA arrested drug smugglers and users. But the drug trade did not stop in Arakan State. There are both drug smugglers and drug users in Arakan State,” said a local man in Rathedaung.
Residents said that the drug trade has been clearly seen in the Mayu area of Rathedaung Township.
ULA/AA officials arrested 14 drug dealers in Sunye Village of Minbya Township on October 8. Residents are demanding effective action against drug dealers in other townships as well.
Drug use in Arakan State is reported in every township, and most of the drug users are teenagers, young students, and young adults, according to those who study and monitor drug smuggling in Arakan State.
“In order to control the drug trade and use in Arakan State, I think that if ULA/AA takes effective action against drug dealers and drug users, it [the drug trade and drug use] will decrease in Arakan State,” said Ko Aung Min Soe, a social activist in Cedipyin Village, Rathedaung Township.
Some have also pointed out that in order to reduce the use of drugs, the relevant officials need to educate and share knowledge about drug-related topics and its adverse effects in rural areas.
“The drug problem is a concern for both the youth and the locals. We have conducted awareness about drugs before. But raising awareness about this drug is not as easy as it seems and there are many challenges. People are not very interested in those topics and educational lectures,” said Ko Kyaw Aye Maung, a social activist in Maungdaw Township.
After the late 2020 ceasefire between the military and the Arakan Army (AA) in Arakan State, the ULA/AA has reportedly expanded its administration and arrested drug users, residents said.
DMG was unable to seek comment from ULA/AA spokesman U Khaing Thukha regarding the reported increase in drug use in areas controlled by the AA.
“We have to prioritise public security issues, so we need to wait patiently for a while to deal with drug issues,” said U Khaing Thukha at an online press conference on April 6, 2022.
WY-branded stimulant tablets and well-known E pills have been reported in 89 townships in Myanmar in May, June and July 2023, and heroin and glue inhalation were used in 53 townships, according to ISP Myanmar.