Junta plans to open schools in war-torn Arakan State 

Myanmar’s military regime is planning to open basic education schools in Arakan State when the new academic year starts in June, according to education staff.

By Admin 09 May 2024

Junta plans to open schools in war-torn Arakan State 

DMG Newsroom
9 May 2024, Sittwe

Myanmar’s military regime is planning to open basic education schools in Arakan State when the new academic year starts in June, according to education staff.

Fighting has been raging in Arakan State for nearly six months, since the Arakkha Army (AA) unleashed an offensive in November.

Teachers from Sittwe, Mrauk-U, Minbya and Kyauktaw townships were told by the Arakan State Education Department to report to their relevant schools by May 25 for the enrollment process.

“The department said teachers from rural areas must work at the schools in villages where they are staying now. Teachers living in urban areas must report by the last week of this month,” said a high school teacher from Sittwe Town.

Teachers in Kyaukphyu, Taungup, Thandwe and Ramree townships were instructed to work at nearby schools.

The regime has warned that it would suspend teachers who fail to report by the deadline, and also cut their salaries.

“We were told that teachers must wait at the schools for the enrollment process even if no students come. We are under pressure,” said a middle school teacher from Ramree Town.

Enrollment for the 2024-25 academic year will take place between May 23 and June 2 at basic education schools across the country, according to the regime.

Many teachers in both urban and rural parts of Arakan State have been displaced by the fighting between the regime and the AA.

“Will they guarantee our safety if we go to work? We are concerned that we would be held hostage by the regime if we go to work. We are concerned for our safety,” said a middle school teacher who has fled Sittwe Town.

Some teachers who had fled the fighting are returning to their schools under pressure from the regime.

DMG’s calls to Arakan State Education Department head U Ba Htwee Sein went unanswered.

The AA has seized Rathedaung, Ponnagyun, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Pauktaw, Myebon and Ramree townships, and fighting has been raging in Maungdaw, Buthidaung, Ann and Thandwe townships.