Junta reinforces besieged positions in Maungdaw, Thandwe

More than 10 military vehicles transported the weapons from the Kanyin Chaung to Border Guard Police Force Battalion No. 5 from May 21-23, sources told DMG.

By Admin 25 May 2024

A junta military training. (Photo: CINCDS)
A junta military training. (Photo: CINCDS)

DMG Newsroom
25 May 2024, Maungdaw

The military regime is reinforcing its troops in Maungdaw and Thandwe townships to defend against the Arakkha Army’s (AA) ongoing onslaughts there.

The regime is sending reinforcements and weapons from Sittwe to Maungdaw by boat via the Kanyin Chaung economic zone.

More than 10 military vehicles transported the weapons from the Kanyin Chaung to Border Guard Police Force Battalion No. 5 from May 21-23, sources told DMG.

“They carried soldiers, weapons, fuel and food,” said a source.

In an apparent attempt to deter AA ambushes, Guard Police Force Battalion No. 5 fired shells while the weapons and reinforcements were being transported in the morning and evening, said the source.

The AA has stepped up its offensive on Maungdaw Township on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border. The regime is conducting joint operations to defend against the AA’s attacks.

Many junta positions have fallen in Maungdaw Township, with only five junta bases and border guard police battalions still defending their positions against the AA advance.

“The fighting is moving closer to the town [of Maungdaw]. So, it is reinforcing its defence. It appears that it has built its fortress in Border Guard Police Battalion 5,” said a social activist from Maungdaw.

The regime is also reinforcing its troops in Thandwe. It recently sent around 100 troops from Infantry Battalion No. 51, based in Ayeyarwady Region’s Myanaung Township, to Thandwe via Gwa.

“The regime had also sent dozens of reinforcements occasionally before sending 100 troops this time. We don’t know their weaponry,” said a source.

The regime is conducting patrols in Gwa Township, according to residents. Fighting has been raging in Thandwe Township since April 13.

A video clip shared on social media recently purported to show around 30 junta soldiers were killed in a recent clash with AA near the Shwe Hlay Bridge.

“Maungdaw has border trade. Thandwe has tourism, fishery and electricity industries. If those towns fall, the regime will lose sources of income. So, it is heavily defending it,” said a military analyst from Arakan State.

The AA has seized 10 townships in Arakan and Chin states since launching an offensive against the regime in November.