Anti-regime forces led by TNLA seize Mogok prison base

Admin 23 Jul 2024

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and a Mogok-based unit of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) have reportedly seized a junta camp inside a prison near Panmahteik in the eastern part of Mogok, Mandalay Region.

AA assails last junta stronghold in Thandwe

Admin 22 Jul 2024

The Arakkha Army (AA) is focused on attacking the Maung Shwe Lay naval base in Arakan State’s Thandwe Township as the regime reinforces the naval base by sea.

Regime pressures teachers to open schools in Taungup Twsp

Admin 22 Jul 2024

Due to frequent artillery strikes in Taungup Township, as well as intense and ongoing fighting in nearby Thandwe Township, parents of students said that forcing their children to go to school is a safety concern.

Junta prepares defence in Taungup, say locals

Admin 18 Jul 2024

"The regime seems to be preparing a defence to defend against the AA offensive. Junta soldiers have reportedly taken positions atop buildings in downtown Taungup," said a local man in Taungup.

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