Arakanese Elites Face a Choice: For Whom Do You Fight?

Admin 15 Oct 2024

The story of the Arakanese people is amidst an important chapter, and those who are involved in the regime's administrative mechanism are facing a situation in which they will be left with a bad name in the pages of that history if they do not reverse course.

As Regime Loses Grip on Arakan, Does ALP Have a Viable Future?

Admin 12 Sep 2024

Written by Aung Thura

Myanmar's military regime continues to lose ground in the fighting in Arakan State, suffering successive defeats since the Arakkha Army (AA) launched an offensive in November of last year. The ethnic army has seized control of the majority of townships in the state, with fighting escalating in Maungdaw, Thandwe and Ann townships.

As the regime cedes more territory in Arakan State, many are interested in the fate of the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), which has been...

Bangladesh’s Policy Toward the Muslim Crisis: Time to Rethink

Admin 10 Jan 2024

Written By Kraing Moe Satt

Over many decades, the boundary line between Bangladesh and Myanmar has been an area of instability, transnational crimes, and forced displacement of the Muslims population, etc. The People’s Republic of Bangladesh herself has faced constant political turmoil, extreme poverty, climate disaster and the threat of extreme political ideologies since her independence in 1971. The current political instability taking place at the centre of the country’s national politics is not merely how to govern but who...

‘Operation 1027’ and Myanmar’s Shifting Revolution

Admin 27 Dec 2023

Written by Maung Khaing Tun (Pyi Thit)
The Three Brotherhood Alliance, a tripartite ethnic military coalition made up of the Arakan Army (AA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), launched a large-scale offensive on October 27, 2023, in northern Shan State. Since then, Operation 1027 — the biggest military challenge to the regime since the 2021 coup — has expanded to other parts of the country, reaching Arakan State on November...

Gender Equality Begins With Respect

Admin 21 Nov 2023

Just as a person’s status should not be dictated by whether they are rich or poor, so too should their gender be irrelevant when it comes to the respect they are afforded. 

Buthidaung in Need, Indeed

Admin 18 Oct 2023

Some officials will point to the large field near Kandawgyi Lake. But the site is just a large, fenced field, not a public park. It is said that authorities made a budget allocation and designated it a public park years ago. However, to this day, there is no shade tree, only a few brick benches and thick grass. 

New Junta, New Cyclone; Same Anti-Aid Problem

Admin 29 Jun 2023

Written by Maung Khaing Tun (Pyi Thit)

The devastating cyclone that hit Arakan State on May 14 inflicted massive property damage in five townships of Arakan State, leaving many people homeless. This storm is the second largest natural disaster in Myanmar after Cyclone Nargis hit the Ayeyarwady Delta region in 2008.

Cyclone Nargis killed more than 130,000 people mostly in Ayeyarwady Region, and dictator U Than Shwe prevented international aid and rescue operations from entering Myanmar, and because the information...

Rehabilitating Arakan State in Cyclone Mocha’s Aftermath

Admin 07 Jun 2023

Written By Maung Khaing Tun (Pyi Thit)

The devastating cyclone that hit Arakan State on May 14 inflicted massive property damage in Sittwe, Pauktaw, Rathedaung, Ponnagyun, Minbya, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U and Buthidaung townships of northern Arakan State. The storm caused human casualties while also killing thousands of cattle crucial for rural communities dependent on farming. Thousands of acres of crops were decimated.

Fortunately, the storm made landfall during the daytime and heavy casualties were avoided. Had it raged at nighttime, it...

Taking a closer look at the bigger Thingyan picture 

04 May 2023

In Arakan State, this year’s Thingyan was more than an annual celebration. Both Myanmar’s military regime and the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) organised their own Thingyan parties. The festival was politicised as both sides used this opportunity to gauge public support for them.

In Myanmar, Elections and Coups Go Hand-in-Hand

Admin 20 Apr 2023

In Myanmar history, elections have often been followed by coups. In the latest instance, the military seized power from the democratically elected National League for Democracy (NLD) government on the day the newly elected parliament was set to convene.

Resource-Cursed Arakan State

25 Jan 2023

Arakan State’s lengthy coastline supports a majority of livelihoods in the state, which are tied to the fishing/aquaculture and shipping industries. Inland, Arakan State’s fertile soil is relied upon by hundreds of thousands more who farm for a living.  

China Casts Long Shadow Over Myanmar’s Political Crisis and Peace Process

07 Jan 2023

Myanmar’s neighbour China, a global superpower, has neither publicly criticised the coup nor imposed sanctions against the regime. It has been tight-lipped about junta atrocities against its civilians as the regime continues to torch villages, arbitrarily detain people, and commit extrajudicial killings.

Letter From a Son to His Mother

18 Dec 2022

Mom, I wrote this letter from somewhere in the forest. How are you? Are you worried about me? Do you miss me? Do you pray for me before you go to sleep every night? Are you losing sleep over me? Are you sad that I am not at the dining table with you? Do you miss me whenever my friends visit you?

Job Scarcity, Low Pay and Insecurity Among Factors Triggering Arakan Brain Drain

13 Dec 2022

Many young people today hold the view that they would at least still be able to support their family by doing manual labour abroad rather than stay under dehumanising military rule. They are not reluctant to leave their native towns and villages because there is no sense of the safety or security that “home” should provide.

What ‘Wa State’ Can Teach Myanmar’s Other Ethnic Armies

06 Dec 2022

The UWSP says it wants to cooperate in the peace and stability of the Union with complete self-determination. UWSP leaders have said that Wa State will not secede from the Union, but the UWSP will manage their state independently except for national defence and diplomatic relations.

Myanmar Regime Losing Its Grip on Power

18 Nov 2022

There are reportedly more than 600 People’s Defense Force (PDF) battalions in Bamar-majority areas fighting the regime since it seized power on February 1, 2021. PDF groups are gaining increased control over territories in their regions, and the regime has had to rely on old, exhausted soldiers to fight them. With its ground troops increasingly weakened by the continuous fighting in many parts of the country, the regime has had to rely increasingly on the Air Force.

Showing 1-20 of 119 items.