AA accuses regime of using chemical weapons

The AA has been attacking junta hilltop tactical command bases in Taron Eain and Nonebu in Paletwa Township since November 14, and the regime has used chemical bombs to repulse its onslaught, according to the AA.

By Admin 04 Dec 2023

A scene from the Paletwa fighting in a photo released by the Arakan Army. (Photo: AA Info Desk)
A scene from the Paletwa fighting in a photo released by the Arakan Army. (Photo: AA Info Desk)

DMG Newsroom
4 December 2023, Paletwa, Chin State

The Arakan Army (AA) has accused Myanmar’s military regime of using chemical bombs in fighting in Chin State’s Paletwa Township.

The AA has been attacking junta hilltop tactical command bases in Taron Eain and Nonebu in Paletwa Township since November 14, and the regime has used chemical bombs to repulse its onslaught, according to the AA.

Regime aircraft carried out more than 30 sorties in support of its ground troops in Paletwa Township on Sunday alone, using both jet fighters and combat helicopters, said the AA statement. The regime dropped chemical bombs on Sunday, the AA alleged.

A resident of Paletwa town said: “Civilians are still trapped there, and they can be harmed by chemical bombs.”

The regime has blockaded roads and waterways to Paletwa and also cut off mobile internet services there. Cellphone signal is often poor in conflict zones, making it difficult to ascertain details about civilian casualties and damage to property across the affected areas in real time.

Four civilians were killed and at least 13 others were injured in Taron Eain and Ahtet Meezar villages in Paletwa Township during the junta’s recent air raids.

Politicians have criticised the regime for using internationally banned chemical weapons.

Arakanese politician U Pe Than said: “Chemical weapons and biological weapons are banned around the world. Myanmar has violated international law by using chemical weapons. It is a war crime and we must expose this to the world.”

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) said its troops suffered from dizziness and vomiting when the junta attacked a hilltop outpost seized by the MNDAA in Hsenwi Township, northern Shan State, on November 23.

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) also alleged that the regime used chemical bombs as it sought to retake an outpost from the ethnic armed group last month.

Junta spokesman Major-General Zaw Min Tun denied regime use of chemical weapons in any fighting.

Fighting has expanded across Arakan State since November 13, with the junta targeting civilian homes and carrying out arson attacks.

“The regime, which has suffered heavy casualties militarily, continuously commits war crimes by launching airstrikes on civilian areas, burning public property and killing innocent people,” the AA statement said.