Junta bolsters security in Manaung
Myanmar’s military regime has beefed up security in Manaung Town following escalating clashes in Ann and Gwa townships.
12 Nov 2024

DMG Newsroom
12 November 2024, Manaung
Myanmar’s military regime has beefed up security in Manaung Town following escalating clashes in Ann and Gwa townships.
Since early November, the regime has carried out routine patrols in the town, and deployed guards at town entrances and around the town, according to residents.
“There were no patrols before, but lately they have started to conduct patrols that involve large numbers of soldiers and military vehicles,” said a Manaung resident.
Locals have concerns about possible fighting in the town. As Manaung is an island, it is quite difficult for residents to flee if fighting breaks out.
The island is running short of food and medicines as the regime has imposed a blockade.
“The regime has banned the supply of pharmaceuticals to the town. People like me who are suffering from diabetes are at risk,” said one Manaung resident.
Cargo ships come to Manaung once a month with permission from the regime, but those vessels are not allowed to carry medicines.
The regime has also reinforced its positions including a naval base and airport in Manaung Township, which encompasses the entirety of Manaung Island.