Brotherhood Alliance vows to fight across Myanmar

Political analysts say the Myanmar military is short of personnel to contain the offensive, especially if Operation 1027 spreads beyond Shan State.

By Admin 09 Nov 2023

Brotherhood Alliance vows to fight across Myanmar

DMG Newsroom
9 November 2023, Sittwe

The Brotherhood Alliance in a statement on Wednesday said it would join hands with other revolutionary organisations to carry out its “Operation 1027” across Myanmar.

Revolutionary organisations born out of the Spring Revolution have either supported the offensive or launched their own operations in harmony with the offensive. The alliance is collaborating with them to execute the offensive more effectively, says the statement.

Political analysts say the Myanmar military is short of personnel to contain the offensive, especially if Operation 1027 spreads beyond Shan State.

“If ethnic armed organisations cooperate more closely [with other resistance forces], the dictatorship will collapse more quickly,” said political analyst U Than Soe Naing.

The regime, for its part, has said it will respond as necessary to restore stability, warning that Operation 1027 could bring about the dissolution of the nation.

That contrasts with a sense of hope expressed by many Myanmar people as the operation has unfolded with surprisingly rapid gains to date. Burmese Women’s Union joint general secretary 2 Daw Wai Wai said: “If the operation is carried out across the country, the military regime will collapse, and civilians will be able to return to their home.”

Since the offensive was launched on October 27, the ethnic alliance has seized around 150 junta positions and six towns.

“We maintain total control over the towns we have seized, and we are working to replace [the junta regime] with our own administration,” said Wednesday’s statement from the Brotherhood Alliance.