With renewed hostilities in Arakan State, arrests for alleged AA ties begin again 

At least four residents of Sittwe were reportedly arrested by junta soldiers in civilian clothes on November 13, according to family members of the arrestees.

By Admin 16 Nov 2023

Junta soldiers arrested multiple residents in Sittwe on November 15. (Photo: CJ)
Junta soldiers arrested multiple residents in Sittwe on November 15. (Photo: CJ)

DMG Newsroom
16 November 2023, Sittwe

Rakhine Daily, a mouthpiece of the Arakan State military council, has reported that some people have been arrested this week on suspicion of having ties to the Arakan Army (AA), purportedly to ensure peace and stability in Arakan State.

The junta-affiliated media operation reports that AA cadres, supporters and others linked to the Arakanese ethnic armed group are being identified and arrested. The Arakan Army has attacked multiple junta positions this week, beginning on Monday, as part of a wider offensive unleashed upon the regime by the Three Brotherhood Alliance.

Forty-six local people in Arakan State have since been arrested on suspicion of having links with the AA since fighting flared anew on November 13, the Three Brotherhood Alliance — consisting of the AA, Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) — said in a statement.

At least four residents of Sittwe were reportedly arrested by junta soldiers in civilian clothes on November 13, according to family members of the arrestees.

“Junta soldiers and police in plainclothes came to our home at night. The ward administrator was not among them. They fired two gunshots at an entrance of our home, searched for me and abducted my son-in-law,” said U Aung Than Wai, a local man from Sittwe’s Setyonsu Ward.

Ko Lin Lin, the son-in-law of U Aung Than Wai, earns a living as a three-wheeled motorbike driver, family members said.

Junta soldiers also detained four residents including a ward administrator in Kyaukphyu and 11 locals in Taungup on November 13.

“My father was arrested while he was at home. I don’t know the reason for the arrest and his whereabouts. I have lost contact with him since his arrest,” said a family member of one arrestee.

Family members insist that many of those arrested have no connection to armed groups, AA or otherwise.

The regime arrested around 200 local people on suspicion of having connections with the AA during 2022 fighting between the Myanmar regime and Arakan Army, and charged many of them with various counts including unlawful association and incitement.

“It is not a sin for the Arakanese people to support an Arakanese organisation. If the people do not support the military regime and support the AA, arresting them will cause more hatred,” said a resident of Rathedaung.

Fierce fighting between the military and Arakan Army has been ongoing in Maungdaw, Rathedaung and Minbya townships in Arakan State, and in Chin State’s Paletwa Township, since November 13.

The junta has been accused of indiscriminate retaliatory artillery and air strikes that have killed or wounded dozens of civilians.