Troubled Waters Surround Kyaukphyu Deep-Sea Port 

Admin 11 Mar 2023

“In the past, we could cast nets along the Thanzit River. This river has abundant fish. We could freely fish before. But we can’t fish in certain places now because we have to make way for vessels due to the special economic zone (SEZ) project,” said fisherman Ko Maung Maung Than.

A Site of Environmental Vandalism in Arakan State

Admin 06 Feb 2023

From afar, the undiscerning eye sees a majestic mountainscape, where a deep-green forest and sprawling ridgelines covered in mist converge on a majestic peak. But a closer look reveals broken slabs of stone in shades of white, blue and yellow scattered at the foot of the mountain.

Can Arakan State’s Conflict-Rattled Fishing Industry Rebound? 

21 Dec 2022

Small-scale fishermen are facing some of the same challenges. Due to the nature of the job, fishermen go out to sea at night and work in conjunction with the tides. But many local fishermen are now wary of going out at night, even in the aftermath of the latest ceasefire.

A Widow’s Fight

Min Tun 30 Nov 2022

Daw Sandar’s eldest daughter currently attends a government technical high school in Sittwe and her younger daughter is a Grade 8 student.

Barbarity Unleashed Upon a Ponnagyun Township Village

Nay Myo Lin 24 Nov 2022

The ambush was followed by retaliatory artillery barrages from the military’s Ponnagyun-based Light Infantry Battalion No. 550 and air strikes by junta helicopters near the two villages. And a junta column marched toward Sin Inn Gyi Village, which is located along the Sittwe-Yangon road. 

Caring Hands Weakened by Fuel and Political Crises

DMG 21 Oct 2022

The Shwe Yaung Metta Foundation does not just operate for residents in Sittwe, where it is based. It also provides free ambulance services on request from other townships when patients require hospitalisation in Sittwe or Yangon.

Landmines Continue to Upend Lives

Gaung 28 Sep 2022

Hostilities between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army broke out in Paletwa in 2015. Amid the heavier fighting that ensued from 2018 to 2020, thousands of Paletwa residents were forced to flee their homes to displacement camps.

Past Conflict Leaves Lasting Hardship for War-Wounded

DMG 19 Aug 2022

One of those shells was a direct hit on the home of Ko Shwe Tun Thein. He pulled his wife and son close to his chest, shielding them against the attack at the risk of his own life. His son survived unscathed, while his wife sustained minor injuries to her arms and legs. But Ko Shwe Tun Thein himself was soaked in blood.

In One Cosmetologist’s Story, a Society Resistant to LGBT Realities Is Painted

Min Tun 09 Jul 2022

A top makeup artist in the Arakan State capital Sittwe applies cosmetics one step at a time to make up a girl’s face. The makeup artist is focused on the task at hand, including making the girl’s lips and eyelashes look their best. The artist is Ko Kyaw Kyaw Moe, 32, a member of the LGBT community. 

A Dancing Heritage to Preserve, Respect and Hand Down

Min Tun 01 Jun 2022

There are various kinds of traditional dance in Arakan State. Arakanese traditional Buddha pujaniya oil lamp choral dancing is among the most significant of them. The dance was created during the Dannyawaddy Dynasty, when Theravada Buddhism began to flourish in Arakan State. The styles of dancing represent the Three Gems of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.

Showing 21-40 of 77 items.