Illegal cross-border drug smuggling on rise in Arakan State amid Covid-19 pandemic

DMG 17 Oct 2021

Border trade camps in Arakan State have been closed since July 15 to control the Covid-19 pandemic. When it comes to border trade with Bangladesh, it is officially exported from Shwe Mingan border trade camp in the Arakan State capital Sittwe and Kanyin Chaung border trade camp in Maungdaw Township. However, the spread of Covid-19 in Arakan State can partially be traced back to some returnees from Bangladesh. 

Is Ancient Mrauk-U Ready for UNESCO World Heritage Listing?

Zaw Htun (Mrauk - U) 28 Sep 2021

The ruling government must be able to maintain the stability of the archeological zone, and must be able to effectively manage the archeological site and enforce the archeological heritage protection law. At present, the government has been extremely weak in taking responsibility for protection of archeological sites in Myanmar. 

Arakan State’s Turning Points

DMG 13 Sep 2021

The Arakanese people had to fight the military and other opposing forces, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Due to the internet shutdown, we even had to fight for access to information. The end result was that more and more Arakanese people joined or otherwise supported the armed uprising. 

An Ode to Bookstores in an Age of Technological Change

Ngrein Chan 11 Sep 2021

When I read Surveillance Hnin Maung novels, I wanted to be a detective. When I read Myaing Razar Tuppi cartoons, I wanted to be a hunter, hunting animals on the Pegu Range. When we were young, we used to read books and have vague thoughts. Books bring you into contact with the world, and books make hearts more beautiful. 

Report on Arakan from January to April 2021

30 Apr 2021

The first fourth months of 2021 in Myanmar were dominated by fallout from the military’s February 1 coup d’etat, after a relatively unremarkable January. Below we recap some of the major storylines and events out of Arakan State at a time of historic developments and unprecedented challenges. 

2020: An Arakan Year in Review

01 Jan 2021

In a year dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching health, social and economic impacts around the globe, Arakan State was no different. The viral menace came as a serious blow to Arakan’s people, many of whom were already displaced and distressed by armed conflict in the region.

Was the 2020 election free and fair for Arakan State?

28 Nov 2020

Since independence and prior to the November 2020 general election, multi-party elections were held in Myanmar in 1951-52, 1956, 1960, 1990, 2010 and 2015. It is notable that elections could not be held at regular intervals, indicating a lack of political stability and poor governance in the country.

Six takeaways from the Arakan State elections

14 Nov 2020

With the last few winners of the November 8 general election announced over the weekend, a fuller picture of Myanmar’s political landscape for the next five years is available. Because security concerns prompted the cancellation of voting in the northern half of Arakan State, southern Arakan saw tight contests between local Arakanese political parties and parties from the Burmese-majority areas of mainland Myanmar.

How Will Arakan’s Politics Move Beyond a Tumultuous 2020?

21 Oct 2020

Currently, it cannot be denied that the military frame is wider than the political frame in Arakan State. More surprisingly, the civilian government, which claimed to prioritise national reconciliation, has not tried to end the ongoing civil war through political means.

A Critical Look at the Arakan National Party’s 2020 Election Manifesto

06 Oct 2020

he ANP’s electoral slogan has changed since 2015. The slogan is now “Unite, Love and Build a New State – Vote for ANP”, while in 2015 it was “Love Your Race, Pure Blood, then Be Responsible as a Rakhine”. So the ANP seems to have modified its stance from a race-based movement to a state-based one.

The Legacy of Collis house

Moe Aung 07 Oct 2019

Maurice Collis, one of the authors who wrote about the history of Mrauk-U ancient city and royal palace, said in his book “Into Hidden Burma” that Sittwe was a city that brought him good luck. 

Mangrove conservation in Arakan State

Kyun Thar Nga Mann 10 Sep 2019

Mangrove forests can be seen along the coastal intertidal zone. The trees and shrubs that are wildly grown along the banks of rivers and by the coast may look useless, but they’re a gift of nature; they effectively benefit both people and animals all year round.                            

AA’s 10-year revolution

Tun Tun Naing 03 Jun 2019

The AA participated in the peace process from 2012 to 2015 together with other ethnic armed groups, especially in nationwide ceasefire talks. However, in the latest peace dialogues between former president U Thein Sein and ethnic armed groups, three northern alliances including the AA were excluded.

A journey to devastation

Sein Ko Ko 11 May 2019

During battles between the Tatmadaw and AA, many villages were inspected.  Soldiers raided houses in Thameehla village in Rathedaung Township and took money and gold in February, villagers said.

One gunshot, one voice

Nay Win San 09 May 2019

“There’s always different sounds of gunfire during a battle,” retired lance corporal U Tun Kyaw Sein angrily said about gunfire that occurred in the downtown area of Mrauk-U at around 7 p.m on March 18.

Showing 21-36 of 36 items.