Ye Twsp Fisheries Department head gunned down in apparent assassination

The head of the Fisheries Department in Mon State’s Ye Township was gunned down on Wednesday morning.

By Admin 18 Oct 2023

Ye Township Fisheries Department head Zaw Naing Lin
Ye Township Fisheries Department head Zaw Naing Lin

DMG Newsroom
18 October 2023, Ye
The head of the Fisheries Department in Mon State’s Ye Township was gunned down on Wednesday morning.
U Zaw Naing Lin, head of the Ye Township Fisheries Department, was shot dead from close range by gunmen while he was sitting at a café in Yan Myo Aung ward, at around 7 a.m. on Wednesday, according to people who witnessed the killing.
“Four men came and shot with guns. He died immediately. Then, soldiers and police came and took the body,” said a resident of Yan Myo Aung ward, who witnessed the killing.
U Zaw Naing Lin reportedly sustained at least four gunshot wounds to his chest, and police have opened a murder case.
Local resistance group Ye Belu has claimed responsibility for the shooting.

“We have let the fisheries department head, who had complete influence over fishing trawlers in Ye Township, rest,” the group said.
Junta personnel and affiliated police carried out checks in crowded places in Ye town, and upon people leaving and entering the town, according to residents.
“They have also tightened checks in wards. They are also checking passers-by,” said a Ye resident.
A ward administrator in Ye was allegedly killed by Ye Belu on October 10. A military-owned Myawaddy Bank security guard and a junta soldier were also killed on September 26 in an alleged Ye Belu attack on junta soldiers guarding the bank.