Vox Pop on arrest of Arakan Army chief’s family members

Khaing Roe La 25 Dec 2019

Early December 2019, the wife and children of Arakan Army (AA) leader Major-General Twan Mrat Naing were arrested by Thai authorities in the northern city of Chiang Mai, Thailand. The wife, Daw Hnin Zar Phyu, and her 11-year-old daughter Ma Saw Pyae Shin and toddler son Myat Linn Zan, were detained by immigration authorities on December 4, and are currently being held in the Thai capital Bangkok.

DMG’s Interview with ICRC on the situation of Tin Nyo IDPs Camp

DMG 23 Aug 2019

When working in areas affected by fighting/ongoing clashes, we examine many factors including the safety and security of the situation before we send our teams in.  We work in close coordination with the authorities, seeking relevant field clearance and/or approval so that we can effectively provide for the most urgent needs of those displaced.

Survivor from death

25 Apr 2019

Why would I want to flee from my home? I want to stay home and live peacefully. I do not want to be killed. I feel embarrassed for fleeing for my safety even though I am too old now. However, I do not want to be killed by artillery fire.

Interview with political analyst and author Maung Maugn Soe

Thet Naing 24 Mar 2019

“From my point of view, the charge of high treason is a severe indictment. If the charge is for sedition, it would be enough, I think. Anyway, it is not a good sign appearing as a political prisoner under the civilian government.”

Showing 161-169 of 169 items.